Epidural Analgesia for Labour
Clinical Training
Target Audience
Anaesthetic registrars with little prior experience of epidurals and anaesthetists (consultant and GP) seeking refresher training.
Course Coordinator
A/Prof Leonie Watterson
By request
Maximum Participants
CPD allowances
ANZCA CPD Level 2 - 7 hours
Category Knowledge and Skills: 2 points per hour
Course Description
To provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to epidural analgesia for labour that integrates non-technical and technical components of the procedures.
Specific Objectives
Interact and communicate with the labouring mother.
Explain risks and obtain consent
Prepare and position the mother effectively
Demonstrate competency in procedures such as:
Identification of landmarks
Ultrasound scanning of anatomy
Needle and catheter techniques
Loss of resistance
Establish and trouble shoot analgesia
Manage common complications
Monitor their progress in the workplace and employ reflective learning to encourage ongoing improvement
Blended learning using eLearning & small group practical training. The curriculum is based on a patient centred whole of task approach to procedures developed by the centre that addresses technical and non-technical tasks relevant to epidural. The latter includes a communications module that addresses consent and communication with patients during painful procedures. The course also develops methods of self-assessment and reflective practice to enable continuing improvement beyond the course. Includes web based open access audit and reflection tools.
Training Methods
Hands-on Skills Workshops
Simulated problem based learning case simulations
Communication role play