Advanced Debriefing Skills
Instructor Training
All Specialties
Target Audience
This course is relevant to health professional educators who teach with simulation.
Level: advanced
Previous debriefing course and significant debriefing experience.
Course Coordinator
Dr Adam Rehak FANZCA
1 day
By request
Maximum Participants
CPD allowances
7 hours CPD
Course Description
To develop advanced skills relevant to learning and feedback – whether these are used in the setting of simulated learning (debriefing), clinical supervision or ward-based learning. The course focusses on debriefing and feedback conversations with individuals and groups
Topics covered
The course focuses on the following topics
· Advanced questioning techniques
· Co-debriefing
· Dealing with challenging situations and learners
· Balancing learner centredness with curriculum requirements
· Peer feedback and faculty development
Participants will work in small groups with experienced clinical simulation instructors engaging in discussion, role play, simulations with actors and feedback from instructors.