Managing Anaphylaxis and Other Perioperative Emergencies
Clinical Training
Target Audience
Consultant anaesthetists and provisional fellows.
GPs with advanced specialist training in anaesthesia
Experienced anaesthethic nurses/technicians. (Anaesthetists are encouraged to attend with a nurse from their place of work)
Consultant / GP anaesthetist or provisional fellow
Anaesthetic nurses
Course Coordinator
Dr Adam Rehak
$1500 per anaesthetist
$750 per anaesthetic trainee
$345 per anaesthetic nurse / technician
1 day
Maximum Participants
CPD allowances
Maximum 12 doctors and 4 nurses / techs per course
The course is a recognised emergency response activity in ANZCA’s CPD program with the following recognition codes:
· Anaphylaxis – ER-17-AN-042
· Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate (CICO) – ER-17-CICO-081
The course also provides 16 CPD points (8 hours) in the “Knowledge & Skills/Short Courses” category
Course Description
This course aims to update the participants knowledge of and ability to manage a variety of anaphylaxis and anaphylaxis-like presentations while simultaneously developing generic crisis management skills applicable to emergency situations in anaesthetic practice.
The course will be facilitated by both a simulation / humand factors expert and an anaphylaxis xontenet expert from ANZAAG
Topics covered
Recognition and initial management of anaphylaxis cases
Differential diagnoses and other considerations in refractory anaphylaxis presentations
Human factors and the application of Crisis Resource Management principles to prevent and manage these events
An update on CPR, Advanced Life Support and dysrhythmia management
Training Methods
Immersive scenarios with reflective debriefing
Hands-on Skills Workshops
Pause & discuss scenarios
Video and case-based learning exercises