Describing basic characteristics and behaviours for medical simulation instructors across different health professions and countries: an interview study.
Research Publications: Posters
Christensen MD, Stagelund S, Chung HS, Watterson L, Dieckmann P, Ostergaard D.
International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Janury 2017, Orlando USA
Will the Implementation of Expert Simulated Video Based Learning of Cognitive Forcing Strategies Accelerate the Development from Novice to Expert Emergency Physician?
Research Publications: Posters
Curtis H, Vassiliadis J, Watterson L.
Asia Pacific Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, May 2011, Hong Kong.
Facilitating a confident and skilled paediatric workforce in the greater eastern & southern child health network.
Research Publications: Posters
Lissing J, Friendship J, Rao A, Watterson L, Taitz J, White L.
Greater Eastern and Southern Child Health Network & Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick; 2005